Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose)
This User Agreement (this “Agreement”) is intended to set forth the rights, obligations, responsibilities and other necessary matters between the user (the “UR”) and Seoul Metropolitan City (the “Seoul City”) so that the User can use the service (the “Service ”) for the integrated members provided at the homepage of the Seoul Fashion Week/Trade Show.
Article 2 (Effect and Modification)
- 2.1 This Agreement comes into effect when a public notice is given to the User by posting up this Agreement or in other way and the User agreeing thereto joins the Service.
- 2.2 If recognized as necessary, Seoul City may modify the provisions of this Agreement and the modified Agreement will be posted in the screen of Service so that the User will be able to check directly.
- 2.3 The User not agreeing to the modified Agreement may suspend the use of the Service and cancel his or her membership registration. Otherwise, if the User continues to use the Service, the User will be considered to have agreed to the modified Agreement and the modified Agreement will come into effect in the same way as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 2.1.
- 2.4 If the User agrees to the provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement will be applied first to the UR’s use of the Service. Any matter which is not set forth herein will be determined by applicable laws, regulations and customary commercial practices of the Republic of Korea including the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Information Protection, the Deliberation Regulation of the Korea Communications Standards Commission, the Code of Ethics for the Information and Communication and the Program Protection Act.
Article 3 (Definitions)
- 3.1 The following terms used herein have the meanings as follows:
- 3.1.1 “User”means a member or non-member who accesses to and receives the Service provided by Seoul City.
- 3.1.2 “Member” means a person who accesses to the Service , agrees to this Agreement and goes through the confirmation process including text authentication after being issued an ID and Password.
- 3.1.3 “Non-member” means a person who does not join membership but uses the Service provided by Seoul City.
- 3.1.4 “ID” means a combination of alphabetic letter and numeric digit which is selected by the User and approved by Seoul City for the Member identification and Member’s use of the Service.
- 3.1.5 “Password” means a combination of letters and numbers created by the Member as a User for the protection of Member.
- 3.1.6 “Use Cancellation” means Seoul City’s or Member’s expression of intent to terminate the user agreement after using the Service.
- 3.2 Except for the terms defined in the foregoing Paragraph 3.1, other terms used herein have the meaning as defined in applicable laws, regulations and the guides by the services.
Chapter 2. Service Use Agreement
Article 4 (Formation of Use Agreement) Use Agreement is formed when the User agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and Seoul City accepts the UR’s application for the use.
Article 5 (Application for Use) Any application for the use is to be filed by filling out the membership application form by the User as requested by Seoul City in the member information screen of the Service.
Article 6 (Acceptance and Rejection of Use Application)
- 6.1 If a User files an use application by correctly filling out the items as set forth in Clause 5 hereof, Seoul City will accept such application without the following extraordinary circumstance:
- 6.1.1 when a detail filled out is discovered as false (including a borrowed name) or any reasonable cause of doubt thereabout occurs; or
- 6.1.2 when Seoul City recognizes as necessary
- 6.2 If the case falls under any of the followings, Seoul City may restrict the use of part of the Service until the cause of such restriction is relieved:
- 6.2.1 when a detail filled out is discovered as false (including a borrowed name) or any reasonable cause of doubt thereabout occurs; or
- 6.2.2 when Seoul City recognizes as necessary
- 6.3 If the case falls under any of the followings, Seoul City may restrict any application for use:
- 6.3.1 when the applicant files an application by using other’s name;
- 6.3.2 when the applicant falsely fills out the application;
- 6.3.3 when the applicant files the application for the purpose of disturbance on the social order or public morals; or
- 6.3.4 when any requirement for use application as stated by Seoul City is not satisfied.
Article 7 (Modification) A Member may access to and correct his or her own information at any time through member information management. Upon any changes in the item filled out for use application, the Member must make a correction thereof and will be responsible for any problem arising out of the failure to make such correction.
Chapter 3. Provision and Use of Service
Article 8 (Use of Service )
- 8.1 Seoul City commences the Service when it accepts the Member’s application for use: Provided that some Service will be provided from the date as designated.
- 8.2 If the Service cannot be commenced due to any business or technical obstacles of Seoul City, Seoul City will make a public notice at the homepage of the Seoul Fashion Week/Trade Show or inform to the Member.
- 8.3 The use of Service is available 24 hours each day all the year round: Provided that the Service may be temporarily suspended due to the busienss or technical reason of Seoul City and the Service may be temporarily suspended in the period as designated by Seoul City for the operational purpose including a regular inspection and, in such event, Seoul City will make a public notice before or after such suspension.
- 8.4 Even after joining membership, the part of Service may be provided only to certain Member as requested by the Service provider.
- 8.5 Seoul City may set the time available for each range of Service by splitting the Service into certain ranges and, in such event, Seoul City will make a prior public notice thereof.
Article 9 (Modification and Suspension of Service and Storage and Use of Information)
- 9.1 Member agrees that Seoul City will not be responsible for any loss including the loss of communication data when a content of message and other communication message stored or transmitted to this Service is not stored, is deleted or is not transmitted due to a force majeure including national emergency, blackout, disturbance in the service equipments beyond the control of Seoul City.
- 9.2 Should Seoul City suspend temporarily the Service due to the difficulty in providing normal Service , Seoul City may suspend the Service by giving a notice at least one (1) week prior to such suspension of the Service and Seoul City will not be responsible for the cases where the Member fails to know the details of such notice. The period when such notice is given may be reduced or omitted with reasonable reason. Seoul City will not be responsible for any loss including the loss of communication data when a content of message and other communication message stored or transmitted to this Service is not stored, is deleted or is not transmitted due to such suspension of Service.
- 9.3 If the Service must be permanently suspended due to Seoul City’s circomstances, the foregoing Paragraph 9.2 will be applied mutatis mutandis: Provided that, in such event, the notice period will be one (1) month.
- 9.4 Seoul City may amend, modify or suspend the Service temporarily after giving a prior notice and will not be liable for such amendment, modification or suspension to any Member or a 3rd party.
- 9.5 Should the Member commit any act in violation of this Agreement, Seoul City may suspend the use of Service at its own discretion and, in such event, Seoul City may prevent the Member from accessing to the Service and delete at its own discretion the entire or the part of the contents posted by the Member.
- 9.6 For a long-time dormant Member, Seoul City may suspend the Member’s use of Service by going through the 1 week notice period after giving a guidance mail or announcing the public notice.
Article 10 (Provision of Information and Posting of Advertisement)
- 10.1 Seoul City may provide the Member with various information and advertisement which are recognized as necessary for the Member in using the Service in a way of sending an emil, mail, SMS (mobile test message), DM and messenger and the Member receiving any undesired information may reject to receive such information.
- 10.2 In terms of the operation of the Service , Seoul City may post any advertisement at the screen of Service , the homepage of the Seoul Fashion Week/Trade Show and email and Seoul City considers that the Member desiring to use the Service agrees to the post of such advertisement.
- 10.3 Seoul City shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the Member’s participation, communication or transaction in the sales promotion activities with the advertiser which are posted in the Service or carried out through the Service.
Article 11 (Deletion of Posted Article or Content)
- 11.1 Seoul City may delete such content without giving a prior notice and Seoul City will not be liable therefor If any content of the Service which the Member posts or registers is considered to have any detail :
- 11.1.1 containing any slanderous remark damaging the reputation of other Member or a 3rd party;
- 11.1.2 violating the public order or public morals;
- 11.1.3 being recognized to be related to a crime;
- 11.1.4 infringing on other rights including a 3rd party’s copyright;
- 11.1.5 not consistent to the character of the Service ; or
- 11.1.6 violating other applicable laws, regulations and the rules of Seoul City.
- 11.2 Seoul City has a right to edit, relocate and delete any content posted in the Service three (3) days after giving a prior notice and may delete such content without prior notice when such content violates this Agreement, is illegal or indecent or is posted by the Member terminating this Agreement.
- 11.3 If any content is posted in the Service for a longer time of certain period and loses its effect as a post and the purpose of existence thereof is not clear, Seoul City may delete such content by giving one week notice after announcing the public notice.
Article 12 (Copyright to Posts)
- 12.1 The copyright to the content posted by the Member in the Service will be retained by the Member and Seoul City may utilize such content including posting in other service.
- 12.2 Member shall be fully liable for any damage, civil or criminal, caused by the infringement of the content posted by the Member on the copyright and program copyright of others.
- 12.3 Member may not use commercially any material posted in the Service including the act of processing and sales of any information obtained by using the Service.
Article 13 (Ownership of Seoul City)
- 13.1 The ownership of the Service provided by Seoul City and the software, image, mark, logo, design, service name, information and trademark necessary for the Service will be reverted to Seoul City.
- 13.2 Unless otherwise expressly approved by Seoul City, the Member may not or permit a 3rd party to amend, lease, loan, sell, distribute, produce, transfer, relicense, provide as security or commercially use the entire or the part of each property as set forth in the foregoing Paragraph 13.1.
Chapter 4. Obligations of the Parties
Article 14 (Obligations of Member and Information Security)
- 14.1 In joining membership, the Member must provide complete information (the “Subscription Information“) which matches to the fact then. Upon changes in the SI, the Member must immediately change such SI.
- 14.2 Upon completion of membership process for the use of the Service , the Member will be given an ID and password. In order to manage the ID and password, the Member must:
- 14.2.1 report to Seoul City immediately when any unauthorized use of the password and ID without approval of Member occurs; and
- 14.2.2 logout completely whenever he or she terminates the connection.
- 14.3 Member agrees not to commit any of the followings in using the Service :
- 14.3.1 Doing harm to others (including minority)
- A. Impersonate other person with such person’s ID and password
- B. Falsify the relationship with others
- C. Defaming the reputation of others by specifying a fact or false information for the purpose of slander.
- D. Distribute any false information for the purpose of giving a profit in property to him/herself or others or causing a damage to others
- E. Disturbing the ordinary life of others by making any words, sound, text, video or image, which evokes a humiliation, disgust or fear, reach to others
- F. Making any profit-seeking act by using the Service without prior approval of Seoul City
- G. Stealing and using the name of others under which others use a telecommunication service
- 14.3.2 Posting any unnecessary or unauthorized advertisement and promotional item, inviting, posting or sending by email any “junk mail”, “spam”, “chain letters’, ”plastering message“ and ”pyramid scheme“
- 14.3.3 Posting, publishing or e-mailing any vulgar and obscene data, text, software, music, photo, graphic or video message (the “Content”)
- 14.3.4 Posting, publishing or e-mailing any Content to which he or she has no right (all rights including copyright)
- 14.3.5 Posting, publishing or e-mailing any software virus for destructing, disturbing or restricting the function of computer software, hardware or telecommunication equipment
- 14.3.6 Collecting or storing the personal information of other users including posting, publishing or e-mailing any material containing other computer code, file and program
- 14.3.7 Doing gambling and speculative acts by betting his or her fortune thereon
- 14.3.8 Distributing any information pimping a prostitution or mediating a lewd act
- 14.3.9 Commit any unlawful or wrongful act
- 14.4 Member must comply with any provision of this Agreement and applicable laws and regulations.
Article 15 (Obligation of Seoul City)
- 15.1 Without any extraordinary circumstance, Seoul City will ensure that the Member will be able to use the Service ordered by him or her on the date when the Service is provided first.
- 15.2 Seoul City is required to provide the Service continuously and stably as stated herein.
- 15.3 Seoul City will be liable for the damage incurred by the Member caused by the Service provided by Seoul City arising out of the willful conduct or gross negligence of Seoul City. The scope of such liability must be limited to the general damage.
- 15.4 Seoul City must promptly treat any opinion or complaint of the Member which is recognized as legitimate: Provided that, if such prompt treatment is difficult, Seoul City must inform the Member of the reason thereof and schedule of treatment.
- 15.5 Seoul City makes its best effort in protecting the personal information and, as for the personal information of the Member, complies with applicable laws, regulations and the provisions of Clause 16 hereof.
Article 16 (Privacy Protection Policy)
- 16.1 Upon the Member’s application for the use, Seoul City collects the information of the Member through the information provided by the Member and the Member’s personal information will be used for the purpose of performance of this Agreement and provision of Service under the use agreement.
- 16.2 Seoul City cannot divulge, distribute to a 3rd party or use for commercial purpose any information of the Member obtained related to the provision of Service without approval of the Member: Provided that this must not apply to any of the followings;
- 16.2.1 when Seoul City is required to provide such information by competent agencies for investigation purpose under applicable laws and regulations;
- 16.1.2 when Seoul City is requested to provide such information by the Korea Communications Standards Commission; or
- 16.1.3 when Seoul City is requested to provide such information under the procedure as provided in other applicable laws and regulations
Chapter 5. Termination
Article 17 (Termination and Use Restriction)
- 17.1 A Member desiring to terminate this Agreement must file by itself an application for termination at the homepage of Seoul Fashion Week/Trade Show through internet.
- 17.2 Seoul City may request the Member to change his or her ID and password for the reasons such as security and ID policy, and smooth provision of Service.
- 17.3 If the Member commits any of following acts, Seoul City may terminate this Agreement without giving any prior notice:
- 17.3.1 when the data provided by the Member is discovered as false;
- 17.3.2 when the Member is involved in a crime;
- 17.3.3 when the Member plans or executes the use of Service for the purpose of disturbing national or social interest;
- 17.3.4 when the Member steal other’s service ID and password;
- 17.3.5 when the Member damages or disadvantages the reputation of others;
- 17.3.6 when the Member disturb any sound use of the Service including harming the Service ; or
- 17.3.7 when the Member violates the condition of use as stated by applicable laws, regulations and the use condition as determined by Seoul City.
Chapter 6. Miscellaneous
Article 18 (Fee and Charged Information)
The Member basically uses the Service free of charge: Provided that this does not applies to the separate charged information and paid service as designated in the Service.
Article 19 (No Assignment)
Member cannot transfer, give as a gift or provide as security his or her right to use and other contractual status to others.
Chapter 7. Damages
Article 20 (Damages) Seoul City is not liable for the damage incurred by the Member related to the Service provided free of charge except for the ones arising out of the gross negligence of Seoul City.
Article 21 (Indemnification)
- 21.1 Seoul City will be discharged from its responsibility for providing the Service if the Service cannot be provided due to the act of God or other equivalent force majeure.
- 21.2 Seoul City will not be responsible for any disturbance in using the Service arising out of the fault of the Member.
- 21.3 Seoul City will not be liable for any expected profit or the damage incurred by the Member caused by the materials obtain through the use of the Service.
- 21.4 Seoul City will not be responsible for any credibility and accuracy of the information, data and fact posted by the Member in the Service.